My Story

When someone you love is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease and you are told there is very little that can be done… when you are handed a diagnosis of breast cancer and are suddenly facing surgery, radiation and hormone therapy… your entire life changes overnight. Suddenly, you are learning everything you can about these diagnoses, listening to speakers, reading and researching on-line… and if you are like me, it can be overwhelming. My journey actually started before these diagnoses presented.

Like so many women in my age group I found myself faced with those last few pounds that no diet seemed to touch, some borderline cholesterol and triglycerides levels, low energy and poor focus.  My mojo was crashing!  But there was good news.

When the opportunity presented itself, I embraced a major life change… transitioning from a health care executive to a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach.  Talk about apples and oranges!   Fortunate to have retired early with extra time on my hands –  I began a major self-improvement campaign to lead a healthier lifestyle.  My lifestyle focus shifted to clean eating, exercise, stress reduction and detoxification which are the keystones of Functional Medicine.

Around the same time that I was embarking on my journey towards good health, a close family member was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease.  My search for answers – not only for myself but for this loved one brought me deeper into the realm of Functional Medicine. More recently, my own journey with breast cancer brought all of these concepts into play as I sought out more holistic and less traditional ways to deal with disease.

Fast forward to today, I am now a healthier and happier Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach with an area of specialization in Reversing Cognitive Decline from The Institute for Functional Medicine in collaboration with Dr. Dale Bredesen and the RECODE protocol.  Today I am partnering with a variety of clients and practitioners on issues pertaining to chronic disease, cognitive concern, weight loss  and preventive care.  I have seen first hand clients halt and reverse serious cognitive disorders. I love helping people figure out how to become…  healthier-on-purpose!

Sara Albright Capece, FMCHC, mba
Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach
Institute for Functional Medicine – Certificate of Completion – Reversing Cognitive Decline (ReCODE)
Functional Medicine Coaching Academy – Certificate of Completion – Reversing Cognitive Decline (ReCODE)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Life Coach Practitioner Certification
MBA – State University of New York